Eleonora (Na bogojavljensku noć) - Djordje Balasevic
Na bogojavljensku noc... peku se kesteni, lome se pogace, a
venci smokava i praporci se pokace..
u prednjoj sobi mog bace...
to je vec navike moc..
Bez slova poziva, drustvo se sastalo pod istom ikonom
za crnim svabskim astalom...
sto pamti svadbe i dace...
Redak sam gost u starom kraju, al znam sta misle i u snu...
i oni mene kanda znaju... jer cak ni pripiti ni da pomenu nju..
Cudna je zvercica strast... od one ljubavi, zbog glupe svadjice
u buri cutanja potonule su ladjice...
i minus na kraju salda...
Dal grom odabira hrast ili se to pak hrast munjama nametne
za to baš nemam reči Bog zna kako pametne...
To je ta sudbina valjda...
Bila je moja zlatna sansa.. a tek sam naceo svoj krug...
moj mali verni Sanco Pansa... moja ljubavnica... saborac..
i moj najbolji drug..
Oni ne pricaju o njoj, a ja se ne raspitkivam..
ukrstim politru i noc... i tu i tamo na taj krst se prikivam..
Vec me i Dunav pretice.. moja me senka spotice...
al nista me se ne tice .. i malo sta me pomera i dotice...
... sem mozda nje ....
Kad djavo procepi spil... sve krene naopako...
svale se vanglice... zadrema kum i nesto nisu ove "london stanglice"
ko kadgod u doba slavna...
pogresno uklopljen stil... kinesko posudje.. salvete heklane... model iz izloga i cipele od preklane...
no, rizling sve to poravna...
Već me tuga pretiče, već me senka spotiče
ništa me se ne tiče, ništa me ne dotiče...
Nikad ne pricaju o njoj, a ja se ne raspitkivam...
ukrstim politru i noc... i tu i tamo na taj krst se prikivam,
vec me i Dunav pretice.. moja me senka spotice...
al nista me se ne tice, i malo sta me pomera i dotice...
... sem.. mozda... nje...
Djordje Balasevic - Jaroslava
Umesto molitve rekla si "O tom ću misliti sutra..."
Sa šminkom od gara, ko Skarlet O'Hara... Tvoj preslikan lik
I dugo plutala ko brodolomnik ka obali jutra
Nekad tišina zna prepasti džina, kad ispusti krik
Još jednu noć si izgurala sama... Čehov je zaspao blaženim snom
Ni ne zna da je igrala tama... Pod prozorom
Vetar je vežbao violončelo.. Čežnjive skale u nedogled
Zora ti brižljivo pipnula čelo... Negde u tebi je goreo led
Princezo, javi se... Još imam džep u kom se hladni prsti zgreju
Pošalji poruku... Da vidim jednom to pisamce na displeju
Sve mi nedostaje... Čuvam u damastu još kalup tvoga vrata
Princezo, dosta je... Dve i po godine smo taoci inata... šta ti je?
Plima banalnosti tvoj svet zapljuskuje k'o Atlantidu
Dok šmrka bioskop, fali ti neko da napravi geg
Da ti za rođendan ispiše sonet na komšijskom zidu
I s bandom cigana pod tvojim prozorom utaba sneg?
Na podmetaču još crtam tvoj profil
Suvišna pitanja izbegnuta fintom
Ime ti ispišem u svakoj strofi... Nevidljivom tintom
Pod mojom jelkom do proleća stoji...
Jedino dar tebi namenjen
Zauvek fosil tvog struka postoji...
Na mome dlanu okamenjen
Princezo, javi se... neke se pobede dobijaju na juriš
Ne tvrdoglavi se.. Priznajem javno da se genijalno duriš
Opasno postaje... Na durske akorde se paučina hvata
Princezo, dosta je... Dve i po godine smo taoci inata...
Princezo, dosta je...
Djordje Balasevic - Ognjena
Mesec je mlad zaljuljao grad
Na lahoru mrak prosušio lak
Po baštama su prve Noćne Frajle nikle
Večras dodaj malo kremena u štikle
I odigraj cool... Potpuno cool
Obrati pažnju na bas... U ritmu je spas
I kad nađeš svoj gruv i na kiši si suv
Načini svaki korak ovom istom strašu
I pregazieš more na tom hodočašu
Ako ostane cool... Sasvim cool
Sve ima svoje... I vatra i led
U kap se spoje... I čemer i med
Sve ima svoje... Vrlina i greh
Tuge postoje da bi prizvale smeh
Malecka... Ponoć zvecka
A tvoja bajka i dalje sja
Malecka... Suza pecka
Al' šta bi s gunđalom ko ja?
Ti samo odigraj cool
Noć je ko neki druid smućkala fluid
I vazduh sladunja k'o mošorinska dunja
U tebi noćas uzbuđeno srndać dršće
Nemir čerge koja stigne na raskrše
Odradi to cool... Strogo cool
Sve ima svoje... Kad mrzne i vri
Kad menja boje... Kad vene i zri
Sve ima svoje... Početak i kraj
Tame postoje da bi prizvale sjaj
Ne volem..Nikog, lutko..
Takva mi je narav..
Kao odzakstar i garav..
Puno dima je kroz mene proslo..
Ne volem..
Ujne, strine, sogore, komsiluk..
Nataknem ih na civiluk..
Od njih nista dobro nije doslo..
Ne volem..
Semenkare..Cigane trubace..
Burek..Ulicne pisace..
Nek mi moju lepu varos vrate..
Ne volem..
Dzipadzije..Dizel Butikase..
Svaku pesmu bar za strofu skrate..
Mater im..
Al tebe volem, to je fakat..
Ti si mi ljubav jedina..
Prodacu onu nasu kucerdu "na lakat"..
Pa nek je stoput dedina..
Da kupim cetir konja besna..
Da ih u oblak upregnem..
Pa s tobom di nas niko ne zna uteknem..
Ne volem..
Kad mi gace udu..
Di vec udu..Te sto brinu brigu tudu..
Kosticu u strudli od visanja..
Ne volem..
Hipohondre sto se plase
Da dobiju rak od razmisljanja..
Ne volem..
Krvolocne pse i gospodare..
Nadubrene trotoare..
Maskirne kad navale na pendzer..
Ne volem..
Lopuze sto voze tuda kola..
Znaju azbuku do pola..
Micu usnama dok sricu pejdzer..
(nji` se malko gadim, pravo da ti kazem...)
Al tebe volem, to je fakat..
Da kupim camac na dva vesla..
I onaj sesir rogozan..
Pa tebe di nas niko ne zna
E, ne volem
sizove i nervne bolesnike..
Pre ih pustali za vikend..
Sad ih puste pravo pred kamere..
E, ne volem..
Sve te lezibejke, da prostite...
Nek mi gospon-dame ne zamere...
Ne volem..
Teget girtlu na teget mantilu..
Sestu licku..Sedmu silu..
Opa-cupa preko Okucana..
Ne volem..
Dosta, ako boga znate..
Ludnica je kanda otkljucana sirom ostala..
(provert'e, molim vas?)
Al tebe volem, to je fakat..
Da kupim adicu od peska..
Na njoj sumarak nakrivljen..
Da tebe di nas niko ne zna
Ne volem..
Uzdrzane..Trezvene..Pa dzoging..
Takve najpre trefi sloging..
Al ni krkanje mi nije blisko..
Ne volem..
Sto odasvud samo cujes daj mi!
Il se prosi il se zajmi..
Jebo te, ja nikad nisam isko?
Ne volem..
Strebercine... Vecne odlikase..
Crne rolke isektase..
Ne padam na Tibet..Ili Burmu..
Ne volem..
Skrtariju..Intelektuatce..Koji vazno vrte
Kupis ih za spricer i kavurmu..
(koju ja licno ne volem...)
Al tebe volem to je fakat..
Napuklo srce na dve pole..
Ljubav je teret pregolem..
Bas ni to sto tol'ko volem..
Ne volem
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Artist: Andrea Bocelli
Song: Con Te Partiro
Quando sono solo sogno all'orizzonte
e mancan le parole
si lo so che non c' luce
in una stanza quando manca il sole
se non ci sei tu con me
u le finestre
mostra a tutti il mio cuore
che hai acceso chiudi, dentro me
la luce che hai incontrato per strada
Con te partir paesi che non ho mai
veduto e vissuto con te
adesso s li vivr
Con te partir su navi per mari
che io lo so no, no, non esistono pi
con te io li vivr
Quando sei lontana sogno all'orizzonte
e mancan le parole
e io s lo so che sei con me
tu mia luna tu sei qui con me
mio sole tu sei qui con me con me con me con me... con me con me
Con te partir
Paesi che non ho mai veduto e vissuto con te
adesso s li vivr
Con te partir
su navi per mari che, io lo so
no, no, non esistono pi
con te io li rivivr
Con te partir
su navi per mari che, io lo so
no, no, non esistono pi
con te io li rivivr
Con te partir...
Io con te!
Song: Con Te Partiro
Quando sono solo sogno all'orizzonte
e mancan le parole
si lo so che non c' luce
in una stanza quando manca il sole
se non ci sei tu con me
u le finestre
mostra a tutti il mio cuore
che hai acceso chiudi, dentro me
la luce che hai incontrato per strada
Con te partir paesi che non ho mai
veduto e vissuto con te
adesso s li vivr
Con te partir su navi per mari
che io lo so no, no, non esistono pi
con te io li vivr
Quando sei lontana sogno all'orizzonte
e mancan le parole
e io s lo so che sei con me
tu mia luna tu sei qui con me
mio sole tu sei qui con me con me con me con me... con me con me
Con te partir
Paesi che non ho mai veduto e vissuto con te
adesso s li vivr
Con te partir
su navi per mari che, io lo so
no, no, non esistono pi
con te io li rivivr
Con te partir
su navi per mari che, io lo so
no, no, non esistono pi
con te io li rivivr
Con te partir...
Io con te!
Knjige istorije pisu--lazovi
Skrewdriver-Triumpf of the will
Only few men in history, achieve a
lasting goal
Standing firm against adversity, they reach your very soul
The people stand behind these men, their hearts and minds are one
They wanna share the destiny, until the job is don.
History books are written by
If they don't want you to know about something, they keep the facts from you
Some now say that Marx was great, and communism is good
What they don't tell is that Marx is in Hell and his flag is drenched in blood??
Well this is the triumph of the will!!!
We are the vanguard, the blood and
the honour, the troopers of freedom and light,
Government pressure, the scum on the streets, the nationalist media we fight,,,
Remember places, traitors faces, they ll all pay for their crimes
All of their lies, will some day die, well I told you six million times
Only few men in history, achieve a
lasting goal
Standing firm against adversity, they reach your very soul
The people stand behind these men, their hearts and minds are one
They wanna share the destiny, until the job is don.
History books are written by
If they don't want you to know about something, they keep the facts from you
Some now say that Marx was great, and communism is good
What they don't tell is that Marx is in Hell and his flag is drenched in blood??
Well this is the triumph of the will!!!
We are the vanguard, the blood and
the honour, the troopers of freedom and light,
Government pressure, the scum on the streets, the nationalist media we fight,,,
Remember places, traitors faces, they ll all pay for their crimes
All of their lies, will some day die, well I told you six million times
stvar je shit, ali lyrics je najjaci
a perfect circle
Imagine there's no heaven,
It's easy if you try,
No hell below us,
Above us only sky,
Imagine all the people
living for today...
Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...
You may say Im a dreamer,
but Im not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us,
And the world will live as one.
(Imagine all the people sharing all the world)
Imagine no possesions,
I wonder if you can,
No need for greed or hunger,
A brotherhood of man,
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...
You may say Im a dreamer,
but Im not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us,
And the world will live as one.
(Everything I Do) I Do It For You - Bryan Adams
Look into my eyes - you will see
What you mean to me
Search your heart - search your soul
And when you find me there you'll search no more
Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
You can't tell me it's not worth dyin' for
You know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you
Look into my heart - you will find
There's nothin' there to hide
Take me as I am - take my life
I would give it all - I would sacrifice
Don't tell me it's not worth fightin' for
I can't help it - there's nothin' I want more
Ya know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you
There's no love - like your love
And no other - could give more love
There's nowhere - unless you're there
All the time - all the way
Oh - you can't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
I can't help it - there's nothin' I want more
I would fight for you - I'd lie for you
Walk the wire for you - ya I'd die for you
Ya know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you.
Scorpions - Send Me an Angel
The wise man said just walk this way
To the dawn of the light
The wind will blow into your face
As the years pass you by
Hear this voice from deep inside
It"™s the call of your heart
Close your eyes and your will find
The passage out of the dark
Here I am
Will you send me an angel
Here I am
In the land of the morning star
The wise man said just find your place
In the eye of the storm
Seek the roses along the way
Just beware of the thorns
Here I am
Will you send me an angel
Here I am
In the land of the morning star
The wise man said just raise your hand
And reach out for the spell
Find the door to the promised land
Just believe in yourself
Hear this voice from deep inside
It"™s the call of your heart
Close your eyes and your will find
The way out of the dark
Here I am
Will you send me an angel
Here I am
In the land of the morning star
Here I am
Will you send me an angel
Here I am
In the land of the morning star
Artist: Phil Collins
Song: In The Air Tonight
I can feel it coming in the air tonight, Oh Lord
I've been waiting for this moment, all my life, Oh Lord
Can you feel it coming in the air tonight, Oh Lord, Oh Lord
Well, if you told me you were drowning
I would not lend a hand
I've seen your face before my friend
But I don't know if you know who I am
Well, I was there and I saw what you did
I saw it with my own two eyes
So you can wipe off the grin, I know where you've been
It's all been a pack of lies
And I can feel it coming in the air tonight, Oh Lord
I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, Oh Lord
I can feel it in the air tonight, Oh Lord, Oh Lord
And I've been waiting for this moment all my life, Oh Lord, Oh Lord
Well I remember, I remember don't worry
How could I ever forget, it's the first time, the last time we ever met
But I know the reason why you keep your silence up, no you don't fool me
The hurt doesn't show; but the pain still grows
It's no stranger to you or me
And I can feel it coming in the air tonight, Oh Lord...
a perfect circle
Imagine there's no heaven,
It's easy if you try,
No hell below us,
Above us only sky,
Imagine all the people
living for today...
Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...
You may say Im a dreamer,
but Im not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us,
And the world will live as one.
(Imagine all the people sharing all the world)
Imagine no possesions,
I wonder if you can,
No need for greed or hunger,
A brotherhood of man,
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...
You may say Im a dreamer,
but Im not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us,
And the world will live as one.
(Everything I Do) I Do It For You - Bryan Adams
Look into my eyes - you will see
What you mean to me
Search your heart - search your soul
And when you find me there you'll search no more
Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
You can't tell me it's not worth dyin' for
You know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you
Look into my heart - you will find
There's nothin' there to hide
Take me as I am - take my life
I would give it all - I would sacrifice
Don't tell me it's not worth fightin' for
I can't help it - there's nothin' I want more
Ya know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you
There's no love - like your love
And no other - could give more love
There's nowhere - unless you're there
All the time - all the way
Oh - you can't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
I can't help it - there's nothin' I want more
I would fight for you - I'd lie for you
Walk the wire for you - ya I'd die for you
Ya know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you.
Scorpions - Send Me an Angel
The wise man said just walk this way
To the dawn of the light
The wind will blow into your face
As the years pass you by
Hear this voice from deep inside
It"™s the call of your heart
Close your eyes and your will find
The passage out of the dark
Here I am
Will you send me an angel
Here I am
In the land of the morning star
The wise man said just find your place
In the eye of the storm
Seek the roses along the way
Just beware of the thorns
Here I am
Will you send me an angel
Here I am
In the land of the morning star
The wise man said just raise your hand
And reach out for the spell
Find the door to the promised land
Just believe in yourself
Hear this voice from deep inside
It"™s the call of your heart
Close your eyes and your will find
The way out of the dark
Here I am
Will you send me an angel
Here I am
In the land of the morning star
Here I am
Will you send me an angel
Here I am
In the land of the morning star
Artist: Phil Collins
Song: In The Air Tonight
I can feel it coming in the air tonight, Oh Lord
I've been waiting for this moment, all my life, Oh Lord
Can you feel it coming in the air tonight, Oh Lord, Oh Lord
Well, if you told me you were drowning
I would not lend a hand
I've seen your face before my friend
But I don't know if you know who I am
Well, I was there and I saw what you did
I saw it with my own two eyes
So you can wipe off the grin, I know where you've been
It's all been a pack of lies
And I can feel it coming in the air tonight, Oh Lord
I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, Oh Lord
I can feel it in the air tonight, Oh Lord, Oh Lord
And I've been waiting for this moment all my life, Oh Lord, Oh Lord
Well I remember, I remember don't worry
How could I ever forget, it's the first time, the last time we ever met
But I know the reason why you keep your silence up, no you don't fool me
The hurt doesn't show; but the pain still grows
It's no stranger to you or me
And I can feel it coming in the air tonight, Oh Lord...
Theory In Practice - Colonizing The Sun
Sunstorms, Spirits enters the solar domain
Deceased, off to a horizion in flames
Burning, ten thousand degrees are there to embrace
Unharmed, we drink from the lava ablaze
Worthless are the flesh cages now withering one astrological unit away
Severed from the flesh, leaving all earthly behind
Swarming to the afterlife, the astral projections searches and finds
Submerging in to the corona, sharing body with the solar entity
Diving into the lava ocean, rising again in solar purity
Ether bodies swarm, colonizing the sun
Here dwells all of those we thought of as gone
Solar colony, a haven for the deceased
Awaken to a new form of life in symbiosis with the stars
Colonizing the sun, finally released
Heat waves burning away the bitterness
Released from life's pain and distress
Solar flares, luminous from the sun they are bled
Northern lights, aurora borealis, a sign of the dead
Those thought of as gone, united as one
Colonizing the sun, finally realized
A haven for the deceased
Awaken to a new form of life in symbiosis with the stars
Sunstorms, Spirits enters the solar domain
Deceased, off to a horizion in flames
Burning, ten thousand degrees are there to embrace
Unharmed, we drink from the lava ablaze
Worthless are the flesh cages now withering one astrological unit away
Severed from the flesh, leaving all earthly behind
Swarming to the afterlife, the astral projections searches and finds
Submerging in to the corona, sharing body with the solar entity
Diving into the lava ocean, rising again in solar purity
Ether bodies swarm, colonizing the sun
Here dwells all of those we thought of as gone
Solar colony, a haven for the deceased
Awaken to a new form of life in symbiosis with the stars
Colonizing the sun, finally released
Heat waves burning away the bitterness
Released from life's pain and distress
Solar flares, luminous from the sun they are bled
Northern lights, aurora borealis, a sign of the dead
Those thought of as gone, united as one
Colonizing the sun, finally realized
A haven for the deceased
Awaken to a new form of life in symbiosis with the stars
MEGA,DEATH-----Holly Wars----The Punishment Day
Brother will kill brother
Spilling blood across the land
Killing for religion
Something I don't understand
Fools like me, who cross the sea
And come to foreign lands
Ask the sheep, for their beliefs
Do you kill on God's command?
A country that's divided
Surely will not stand
My past erased, no more disgrace
No foolish naive stand
The end is near, it's crystal clear
Part of the master plan
Don't look now to Israel
It might be in your homelands
Holy wars
Upon my podium, as the
Know it all scholar
Down in my seat of judgement
Gavel's bang, uphold the law
Up on my soapbox, a leader
Out to change the world
Down in my pulpit as the holier
Than-thou-could-be-messenger of God
Wage the war on organized crime
Sneak attacks, repel down the rocks
Behind the lines
Some people risk to employ me
Some people live to destroy me
Either way they die.
They killed my love ones, and my baby
With hopes to enslave me
First mistake...last mistake!
Paid by the alliance, to slay all the giants
Next mistake...no more mistakes!
Fill the cracks in, with judicial granite
Because I don't say it, don't mean I ain't
Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
I know what I said, now I must scream of the overdose
And the lack of mercy killings.
Spilling blood across the land
Killing for religion
Something I don't understand
Fools like me, who cross the sea
And come to foreign lands
Ask the sheep, for their beliefs
Do you kill on God's command?
A country that's divided
Surely will not stand
My past erased, no more disgrace
No foolish naive stand
The end is near, it's crystal clear
Part of the master plan
Don't look now to Israel
It might be in your homelands
Holy wars
Upon my podium, as the
Know it all scholar
Down in my seat of judgement
Gavel's bang, uphold the law
Up on my soapbox, a leader
Out to change the world
Down in my pulpit as the holier
Than-thou-could-be-messenger of God
Wage the war on organized crime
Sneak attacks, repel down the rocks
Behind the lines
Some people risk to employ me
Some people live to destroy me
Either way they die.
They killed my love ones, and my baby
With hopes to enslave me
First mistake...last mistake!
Paid by the alliance, to slay all the giants
Next mistake...no more mistakes!
Fill the cracks in, with judicial granite
Because I don't say it, don't mean I ain't
Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
I know what I said, now I must scream of the overdose
And the lack of mercy killings.
LED ZEPPELIN --Stairway to Heaven
There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to heaven.
When she gets there she knows, if the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for.
Ooh, ooh, and she's buying a stairway to heaven.
There's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure
'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.
In a tree by the brook, there's a songbird who sings,
Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven.
Ooh, it makes me wonder,
Ooh, it makes me wonder.
There's a feeling I get when I look to the west,
And my spirit is crying for leaving.
In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees,
And the voices of those who standing looking.
Ooh, it makes me wonder,
Ooh, it really makes me wonder.
And it's whispered that soon if we all call the tune
Then the piper will lead us to reason.
And a new day will dawn for those who stand long
And the forests will echo with laughter.
If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now,
It's just a spring clean for the May queen.
Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on.
And it makes me wonder.
Your head is humming and it won't go, in case you don't know,
The piper's calling you to join him,
Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind.
And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul.
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold.
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last.
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll.
And she's buying a stairway to heaven.
Queensryche-Eyes of a Stranger
All alone now
Except for the memories
Of what we had and what we knew
Everytime I try to leave it behind me
I see something that reminds me of you
Every night the dreams return to haunt me
Your rosary wrapped around your throat
I lie awake and sweat, afraid to fall asleep
I see your face looking back at me
And I raise my head and stare
Into the eyes of a stranger
I've always known that the mirror never lies
People always turn away
From the eyes of a stranger
Afraid to know what
Lies behind the stare
Is this all that's left
Of my life before me
Straight jacket memories, sedative highs
No happy ending like they've always promised
There's got to be something left for me
And I raise my head and stare
Into the eyes of a stranger
I've always known that the mirror never lies
People always turn away
From the eyes of a stranger
Afraid to know what
Lies behind the stare [Lies behind my stare]
How many times must I live this tragedy
How many more lies will they tell me
All I want is the same as everyone
Why am I here, and for how long
And I raise my head and stare
Into the eyes of a stranger
I've always known that the mirror never lies
People always turn away
From the eyes of a stranger
Afraid to know what
Lies behind the stare
Blackmore's Night-FIRES AT MIDNIGHT
I stood out here once before
With my head held in my hands
For all that I had known of this place
I could never understand"Ś
On the hills the fires burned at midnight
Superstition plagued the air
Sparks fly as the fires burn at midnight
The stars are out and magic is here"Ś
I wished the seven sisters
Bring to me wisdom of the age
All that's locked within the book of secrets
I longed for the knowledge of a sage"Ś
On the hills the fires burned at midnight
Superstition plagued the air
Sparks fly as the fires burn at midnight
Stars are out the magic is here
The stars are out the magic is here"Ś
So, the sisters smiled to themselves
And they whispered as they shone
And it was from that very instant
I knew I would never be alone"Ś
While on the hills
The fires burned at midnight
Superstition plagued the air
Sparks fly as the fires burned at midnight
Stars are out and magic is here
The stars are out and the magic is here"Ś
Many stars were forgotten
Many faded and became ghosts
Still my sisters glittered down from heaven
Always there when I needed them most"Ś
And on the hills the fires burned at midnight
Superstition plagued the air
Sparks fly as the fires burn at midnight
Stars are out and magic is here
The stars are out and magic is here"Ś
I stood here once before
With my head in my hands
For all that I had known of this place
I could never understand
On the hills the fires burned at midnight
Superstition plagued the air
Sparks fly as the fires burn at midnight
Stars are out and magic is here
Stars are out and magic is here
Stars are out and magic is here
Stars are out and magic is here
Every day blows by in a world of corrupt addiction
With life comes pain withdrawls and deformation
Breaking the mould of human appearance
Contorting bodies with chemical interference
The guilty one, innocent she now cries
A life of hell, better off to die
Born without eyes, hands, and half a brain
Being born addicted to cocaine
Living monstrosity
A freak for life they'll always be
Never knowing love or hate
Only pain the drug creates
Some say she's naive, she's a stupid bitch
Some say to forgive, guilty she should die
The beginning of the end begins at birth
Breeding masses of twisted screaming flesh
An example we should make out of these creators of misfortune
A serious crime that should not be forgiven
The guilty one, innocent she now cries
A life of hell, better off to die
Born without eyes, hands, and half a brain
Being born addicted to cocaine
Living monstrosity
A freak for life they'll always be
Never knowing love or hate
Only pain the drug creates
KAMELOT-Lunar Sanctum
little do I know
little do I care
little would it help
if knew and was aware
aim beyond the stars
catch a glimpse of gold
a planetary chart
where the stories are untold
there's a piece of truth for everyone
give me something to die for
like a sacrifice for days bygone
in my solitude
there's a place where I want to hide
with a view to a shallow moon
there's a star in my cosmic mind
that reminds me of you
a gathering of wolfs
under luna's light
fear of the unknown
make us worshippers at night
there's a compromise for everyone
but I need something to die for
like a sacrifice for days bygone
in my solitude
there's a place where I want to hide
with a view to a shallow moon
there's a star in my cosmic mind
that reminds me of you
tokens of the afterlife
feeding on the blood of christ
chasing for an alibi
searching for the holyland
following the masterplan
does it matter in end?
souls unwoken
hearts unbroken
lunar rites
seize tonight
RAINBOW-Self Portrait
Paint me your picture and hang it on the wall
Color it darkly, the lines must start to crawl
Down, down, down
Spin me around and around
Draw me away to the night from the day
Leave not a trace to be found
Down, down
Nothing is real but the way that I feel
And I feel like going down, down, down, down
Down, down, down, down, down
Paint me a picture of eyes that never see
With flashes of lightning that burn for only me
Hey hey hey
There's only the devil to pay
I'm ready to go
Pull me down from below
Give me a place I can lay
Hey hey
Nothing is real but the way that I feel
I feel like going down, down, down, down
Down, down, down, down
Hey hey
Nothing is real but the way that I feel
And I feel like going down
Down, down
Nothing is real but the way that I feel
And I feel like going down, down, down, down
Down, down, down, down
Down, down, down, down
And she's buying a stairway to heaven.
When she gets there she knows, if the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for.
Ooh, ooh, and she's buying a stairway to heaven.
There's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure
'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.
In a tree by the brook, there's a songbird who sings,
Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven.
Ooh, it makes me wonder,
Ooh, it makes me wonder.
There's a feeling I get when I look to the west,
And my spirit is crying for leaving.
In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees,
And the voices of those who standing looking.
Ooh, it makes me wonder,
Ooh, it really makes me wonder.
And it's whispered that soon if we all call the tune
Then the piper will lead us to reason.
And a new day will dawn for those who stand long
And the forests will echo with laughter.
If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now,
It's just a spring clean for the May queen.
Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on.
And it makes me wonder.
Your head is humming and it won't go, in case you don't know,
The piper's calling you to join him,
Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind.
And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul.
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold.
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last.
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll.
And she's buying a stairway to heaven.
Queensryche-Eyes of a Stranger
All alone now
Except for the memories
Of what we had and what we knew
Everytime I try to leave it behind me
I see something that reminds me of you
Every night the dreams return to haunt me
Your rosary wrapped around your throat
I lie awake and sweat, afraid to fall asleep
I see your face looking back at me
And I raise my head and stare
Into the eyes of a stranger
I've always known that the mirror never lies
People always turn away
From the eyes of a stranger
Afraid to know what
Lies behind the stare
Is this all that's left
Of my life before me
Straight jacket memories, sedative highs
No happy ending like they've always promised
There's got to be something left for me
And I raise my head and stare
Into the eyes of a stranger
I've always known that the mirror never lies
People always turn away
From the eyes of a stranger
Afraid to know what
Lies behind the stare [Lies behind my stare]
How many times must I live this tragedy
How many more lies will they tell me
All I want is the same as everyone
Why am I here, and for how long
And I raise my head and stare
Into the eyes of a stranger
I've always known that the mirror never lies
People always turn away
From the eyes of a stranger
Afraid to know what
Lies behind the stare
Blackmore's Night-FIRES AT MIDNIGHT
I stood out here once before
With my head held in my hands
For all that I had known of this place
I could never understand"Ś
On the hills the fires burned at midnight
Superstition plagued the air
Sparks fly as the fires burn at midnight
The stars are out and magic is here"Ś
I wished the seven sisters
Bring to me wisdom of the age
All that's locked within the book of secrets
I longed for the knowledge of a sage"Ś
On the hills the fires burned at midnight
Superstition plagued the air
Sparks fly as the fires burn at midnight
Stars are out the magic is here
The stars are out the magic is here"Ś
So, the sisters smiled to themselves
And they whispered as they shone
And it was from that very instant
I knew I would never be alone"Ś
While on the hills
The fires burned at midnight
Superstition plagued the air
Sparks fly as the fires burned at midnight
Stars are out and magic is here
The stars are out and the magic is here"Ś
Many stars were forgotten
Many faded and became ghosts
Still my sisters glittered down from heaven
Always there when I needed them most"Ś
And on the hills the fires burned at midnight
Superstition plagued the air
Sparks fly as the fires burn at midnight
Stars are out and magic is here
The stars are out and magic is here"Ś
I stood here once before
With my head in my hands
For all that I had known of this place
I could never understand
On the hills the fires burned at midnight
Superstition plagued the air
Sparks fly as the fires burn at midnight
Stars are out and magic is here
Stars are out and magic is here
Stars are out and magic is here
Stars are out and magic is here
Every day blows by in a world of corrupt addiction
With life comes pain withdrawls and deformation
Breaking the mould of human appearance
Contorting bodies with chemical interference
The guilty one, innocent she now cries
A life of hell, better off to die
Born without eyes, hands, and half a brain
Being born addicted to cocaine
Living monstrosity
A freak for life they'll always be
Never knowing love or hate
Only pain the drug creates
Some say she's naive, she's a stupid bitch
Some say to forgive, guilty she should die
The beginning of the end begins at birth
Breeding masses of twisted screaming flesh
An example we should make out of these creators of misfortune
A serious crime that should not be forgiven
The guilty one, innocent she now cries
A life of hell, better off to die
Born without eyes, hands, and half a brain
Being born addicted to cocaine
Living monstrosity
A freak for life they'll always be
Never knowing love or hate
Only pain the drug creates
KAMELOT-Lunar Sanctum
little do I know
little do I care
little would it help
if knew and was aware
aim beyond the stars
catch a glimpse of gold
a planetary chart
where the stories are untold
there's a piece of truth for everyone
give me something to die for
like a sacrifice for days bygone
in my solitude
there's a place where I want to hide
with a view to a shallow moon
there's a star in my cosmic mind
that reminds me of you
a gathering of wolfs
under luna's light
fear of the unknown
make us worshippers at night
there's a compromise for everyone
but I need something to die for
like a sacrifice for days bygone
in my solitude
there's a place where I want to hide
with a view to a shallow moon
there's a star in my cosmic mind
that reminds me of you
tokens of the afterlife
feeding on the blood of christ
chasing for an alibi
searching for the holyland
following the masterplan
does it matter in end?
souls unwoken
hearts unbroken
lunar rites
seize tonight
RAINBOW-Self Portrait
Paint me your picture and hang it on the wall
Color it darkly, the lines must start to crawl
Down, down, down
Spin me around and around
Draw me away to the night from the day
Leave not a trace to be found
Down, down
Nothing is real but the way that I feel
And I feel like going down, down, down, down
Down, down, down, down, down
Paint me a picture of eyes that never see
With flashes of lightning that burn for only me
Hey hey hey
There's only the devil to pay
I'm ready to go
Pull me down from below
Give me a place I can lay
Hey hey
Nothing is real but the way that I feel
I feel like going down, down, down, down
Down, down, down, down
Hey hey
Nothing is real but the way that I feel
And I feel like going down
Down, down
Nothing is real but the way that I feel
And I feel like going down, down, down, down
Down, down, down, down
Down, down, down, down
You gotta be crazy you gotta have a real need
You gotta sleep on your toes and when you're on the street
You gotta be able to pick up the easy meat with your eyes closed
And then moving in silently down wind and out of sight
You gotta strike when the moment is right without thinking
And after a while you can work on ports for style
Like the club tie and the film handshake
A certain look in the eye and an easy smile
You've to be trusted by the people that you lie to
So that when they turn their backs on you
You'll get the chance to put the knife in
You gotta keep one eye looking over your shoulder
You know it's going to get harder and harder and harder as you get
And in the end you'll pack up and fly down south
Hide your head in the sand
Just another sad old man
All alone and dying of cancer
And when you lose control you'll reap the harvest you have sown
And as the fear groves the bad blood slows and turns to stone
And it's to late to loose the weight you used to need to throw around
So have a good drown as you go down alone
Dragged down by a stone
I gotta admit that I'm a little bit confused
Sometimes it seems to me as if I'm just being used
Gotta stay awake gotta try and shake off these creaping malaise
If I don't stand my own ground how can I find my own way out of this
Deaf dumb and blind you just keep on pretending
That everyone's expendable and no-one has a real friend
And it seems to you the thing to do would be to isolate the winner
And everything's done under the sun
And you believe at heart everyone's a killer
Who was born in a house full of pain
Who has trained not to spit in the fan
Who was told what to do by the man
Who was broken by trained personnel
Who was fitted with collar and chain
Who was given a pat on the back
Who was breaking away from the pack
Who was only a stranger at home
Who was ground down in the end
Who was found dead on the phone
Who was dragged down by the stone
Covjek voli da se plasi,jel' tako?E...tako i ja volim da se plasim kada slusam ovu pjesmu...samo da ne prodjem kao sto je navedeno gore...ako je nerazumljivo,Dogs su svi oni "mali" ljudi sa velikim bankovnim racunima,ogromnim kucama,jos vecim automobilima... fuj!!!A sve se zasniva na: "ja tebi noz u ledja,ti meni noz u ledja". tipicno kapitalisticko pseto!!!
You gotta be crazy you gotta have a real need
You gotta sleep on your toes and when you're on the street
You gotta be able to pick up the easy meat with your eyes closed
And then moving in silently down wind and out of sight
You gotta strike when the moment is right without thinking
And after a while you can work on ports for style
Like the club tie and the film handshake
A certain look in the eye and an easy smile
You've to be trusted by the people that you lie to
So that when they turn their backs on you
You'll get the chance to put the knife in
You gotta keep one eye looking over your shoulder
You know it's going to get harder and harder and harder as you get
And in the end you'll pack up and fly down south
Hide your head in the sand
Just another sad old man
All alone and dying of cancer
And when you lose control you'll reap the harvest you have sown
And as the fear groves the bad blood slows and turns to stone
And it's to late to loose the weight you used to need to throw around
So have a good drown as you go down alone
Dragged down by a stone
I gotta admit that I'm a little bit confused
Sometimes it seems to me as if I'm just being used
Gotta stay awake gotta try and shake off these creaping malaise
If I don't stand my own ground how can I find my own way out of this
Deaf dumb and blind you just keep on pretending
That everyone's expendable and no-one has a real friend
And it seems to you the thing to do would be to isolate the winner
And everything's done under the sun
And you believe at heart everyone's a killer
Who was born in a house full of pain
Who has trained not to spit in the fan
Who was told what to do by the man
Who was broken by trained personnel
Who was fitted with collar and chain
Who was given a pat on the back
Who was breaking away from the pack
Who was only a stranger at home
Who was ground down in the end
Who was found dead on the phone
Who was dragged down by the stone
Covjek voli da se plasi,jel' tako?E...tako i ja volim da se plasim kada slusam ovu pjesmu...samo da ne prodjem kao sto je navedeno gore...ako je nerazumljivo,Dogs su svi oni "mali" ljudi sa velikim bankovnim racunima,ogromnim kucama,jos vecim automobilima... fuj!!!A sve se zasniva na: "ja tebi noz u ledja,ti meni noz u ledja". tipicno kapitalisticko pseto!!!
the blessed dead
Looked Down Upong With Scorn
We Work the Fields of the Masters
And Share Not the Bounty of the Black Earth
Destitute Servile Cast Out
Affording No Tomb
We Shall Be Buried
Unprepared in the Sand
We Shall Never Be The Blessed Dead
Scorned By Asar
Condemned at the Weighing of the Heart
We are Exiled from the Netherworld
Serpents fall Upon us Dragging us Away
Ammitt Who Teareth the Wicked to Pieces
Pale Shades of the UnBlessed Dead
None Shall Enter Without the Knowledge
Of the Magickal Formulas
Which is Given to Few to Possess
Not for Us to Sekhet Aaru
Our Souls Will be Cut to Pieces with Sharp Knives
Tortured Devoured
Consumed in Everlasting Flames
We Shall Never Be The Blesse
Otep - Thots
nothings changed,
the senates still corrupt,
& the emporer remains insane...
and everyday,
is a new strain of slaughter...
supply lines are less protected,
evil on all sides,
eye can smell the death on your flesh
-- creeping in...
trapped within the twisting fingers of fear,
and all eye see is ewe...
that face...
those eyes...
burning like leprosy...
eye can see u there...
poisoning the air,
prostituting Nationalism...
and eye want to attack,
to rip out your heart and lay your flat on your back,
and vomit a world of agony and truth,
into your throbbing illness of memory,
... and hate guides our way...
... .
eye long for the icy slap of a belt across my back,
for the acceptance of death and blind cave war,
the giving sleep of depression,
the sweet elucidation of savage, meaningless aggression,
chiseled in the meaty forearms of Mother Jupiter and his slave disciples,
in the harem tents - outside...
just beyond the edges - eye ride..
a cycloptic mare into the fires of imagination...
a river of plagues...
eye need something to remind me eye am still sinning,
that pain is important,
that wurdz matter,
that healing in possible,
that eye am not alone ... in this...
- guard the houses
- triple the watch
- maidens, dig up your sorcery
- sirens, sharpen your rocks
... ewe will eat my pain again,
whatever u need...
what... ever u need...
unite messiah
Poruka od: New_Order Novembar 19, 2004, 06:02:26 am
Is it getting better
Or do you feel the same
Will it make it easier on you
Now you got someone to blame
You say one love, one life
When it's one need in the night
It's one love
We get to share it
It leaves you baby
If you don't care for it
Did I disappoint you
Or leave a bad taste in your mouth
You act like you never had love
And you want me to go without
Well it's too late tonight
To drag the past out into the light
We're one but we're not the same
We get to carry each other, carry each other
Wait and Bleed
I've felt the hate rise up in me...
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves...
I wander over where you can't see...
Inside my shell, I wait and bleed...
I wipe it off on tile, the light is brighter this time
Everything is 3D blasphemy
My eyes are red and gold, the hair is standing straight up
This is not the way I pictured me
I can't control my shakes
How the hell did I get here?
Something about this, so very wrong...
I have to laugh out loud, I wish I didn't like this
Is it a dream or a memory?
Not I've felt the hate rise up in me...
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves...
I wander over where you can't see...
Inside my shell, I wait and bleed...
Get outta my head cuz I don't need this
Why I didn't I see this?
I'm a victim - Manchurian candidate
I have sinned by just
Makin' my mind up and takin' your breath away
I've felt the hate rise up in me...
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves...
I wander over where you can't see...
Inside my shell, I wait and bleed...
You haven't learned a thing
I haven't changed a thing
My flesh was in my bones
The pain was always free
I've felt the hate rise up in me...
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves...
I wander out where you can't see...
Inside my shell, I wait and bleed...
And it waits for you
We Work the Fields of the Masters
And Share Not the Bounty of the Black Earth
Destitute Servile Cast Out
Affording No Tomb
We Shall Be Buried
Unprepared in the Sand
We Shall Never Be The Blessed Dead
Scorned By Asar
Condemned at the Weighing of the Heart
We are Exiled from the Netherworld
Serpents fall Upon us Dragging us Away
Ammitt Who Teareth the Wicked to Pieces
Pale Shades of the UnBlessed Dead
None Shall Enter Without the Knowledge
Of the Magickal Formulas
Which is Given to Few to Possess
Not for Us to Sekhet Aaru
Our Souls Will be Cut to Pieces with Sharp Knives
Tortured Devoured
Consumed in Everlasting Flames
We Shall Never Be The Blesse
Otep - Thots
nothings changed,
the senates still corrupt,
& the emporer remains insane...
and everyday,
is a new strain of slaughter...
supply lines are less protected,
evil on all sides,
eye can smell the death on your flesh
-- creeping in...
trapped within the twisting fingers of fear,
and all eye see is ewe...
that face...
those eyes...
burning like leprosy...
eye can see u there...
poisoning the air,
prostituting Nationalism...
and eye want to attack,
to rip out your heart and lay your flat on your back,
and vomit a world of agony and truth,
into your throbbing illness of memory,
... and hate guides our way...
... .
eye long for the icy slap of a belt across my back,
for the acceptance of death and blind cave war,
the giving sleep of depression,
the sweet elucidation of savage, meaningless aggression,
chiseled in the meaty forearms of Mother Jupiter and his slave disciples,
in the harem tents - outside...
just beyond the edges - eye ride..
a cycloptic mare into the fires of imagination...
a river of plagues...
eye need something to remind me eye am still sinning,
that pain is important,
that wurdz matter,
that healing in possible,
that eye am not alone ... in this...
- guard the houses
- triple the watch
- maidens, dig up your sorcery
- sirens, sharpen your rocks
... ewe will eat my pain again,
whatever u need...
what... ever u need...
unite messiah
Poruka od: New_Order Novembar 19, 2004, 06:02:26 am
Is it getting better
Or do you feel the same
Will it make it easier on you
Now you got someone to blame
You say one love, one life
When it's one need in the night
It's one love
We get to share it
It leaves you baby
If you don't care for it
Did I disappoint you
Or leave a bad taste in your mouth
You act like you never had love
And you want me to go without
Well it's too late tonight
To drag the past out into the light
We're one but we're not the same
We get to carry each other, carry each other
Wait and Bleed
I've felt the hate rise up in me...
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves...
I wander over where you can't see...
Inside my shell, I wait and bleed...
I wipe it off on tile, the light is brighter this time
Everything is 3D blasphemy
My eyes are red and gold, the hair is standing straight up
This is not the way I pictured me
I can't control my shakes
How the hell did I get here?
Something about this, so very wrong...
I have to laugh out loud, I wish I didn't like this
Is it a dream or a memory?
Not I've felt the hate rise up in me...
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves...
I wander over where you can't see...
Inside my shell, I wait and bleed...
Get outta my head cuz I don't need this
Why I didn't I see this?
I'm a victim - Manchurian candidate
I have sinned by just
Makin' my mind up and takin' your breath away
I've felt the hate rise up in me...
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves...
I wander over where you can't see...
Inside my shell, I wait and bleed...
You haven't learned a thing
I haven't changed a thing
My flesh was in my bones
The pain was always free
I've felt the hate rise up in me...
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves...
I wander out where you can't see...
Inside my shell, I wait and bleed...
And it waits for you
Parni Valjak
Hvala ti
Pred vratima njenog stana
ja sam ostavljao svoje brige
i dileme i strahove
odagnati ona je mogla
Pored nje bih nasao mir
titrajem bi znala
nikad nista trazila nije
a toliko tog mi dala
hvala ti, hvala ti
hvala ti, hvala ti
Otkako je nema
uvidjam koliko mi znaci
nikad, nikad, nikad vise
takvu zenu necu naci
Hvala ti, hvala ti, hvala ti
sto si vjerovala kada nitko nije
sto si pomogla da i dalje
svoje snove snijem
hvala, hvala ti
Pricao sam joj o ljubavi
koju ne mogu naci
a nikad nisam pomislio
zasto je uvijek sama
kakva sam ja budala
Josipa Lisac
O jednoj mladosti
Jedna mladost jedan svijet nade
Raste tiho u srcu tvom
Drugi za te ovaj svijet grade
S malo prave istine u tom
Pricaju ti price te
i svaka ima svoj sretan kraj
Al presucuju da taj svijet
krade bas tvog sunca sjaj
Jedna mladost jedan san srece
Al do nje jos dalek dug put
I dok srce na svoj put krece
U taj svijet procvao i zut
Odjednom ce shvatit sve
Kako nigdje nema plamena tog
Od prve rijeke
svijet tece bez cilja svog
Tko zna, mozda na me
ceka neki drugi svijet
Tko zna, i u mraku
kad kad nikne divan cvijet
Mozda, tko zna,
jedna od sretnih,
jedna od tisucu
bit cu bas ja
O da znam...
Pristao sam bicu sve sto hoce
Evo prodajem dusu vragu svome
I ostacu samo crna tacka
Poslije ove igre kad me slome
Kad me mirno slome
Pristao sam bicu sve sto hoce
La la la la la la la la la la
Mislio sam da se zvijeri boje
Ove vatre koja trag mi prati
I to sam mislio
A sad nosim kako mi ga skroje
Po meni se nista nece zvati
Po meni se nista nece zvati
Zablude sam, evo, prestao da brojim
Nemam kome da se vratim kuci
Dokle pjevam dotle i postojim
Prijatelji bivsi, prijatelji buduci
Pamtite me po pjesmama mojim
Pamtite me po pjesmama mojim
Aki Rahimovsk & Dado Topić - Molitva
K'o da nemam snage da nastavim,
kao da je pjesmi kraj,
lagano se topim i nestajem,
i moje pjesme više nisu ljubavne,
gubim vjeru, a ona mi je sve...
A onda svane novi dan i ja se zaljubim,
u ovo nebo iznad nas, i sunce što se smješi,
ko kad majka oprašta, djeci što su bila nestašna,
REF:A kaži kako dalje kad, kad se nebo zamrači,
kad se spuste oblaci, kad se sunce ne vidi,
al' kaži kako dalje kad ljubav nestane, kad se riječi istroše,
kad se natrag, kad se natrag ne može.
Mama, zar si lagala kad si govorila,
da dobro uvijek pobjeđuje,
i kad ne znaš kojim putem,
treba putem ljubavi,
i da smo ispred boga isti svi....
REF:A kaži kako dalje kad, kad se nebo zamrači,
kad se spuste oblaci, kad se sunce ne vidi,
al'kaži kako dalje,
kad ljubav nestane, kad se riječi istroše,
kad se natrag, kad se natrag više ne može.
Tako malo vremena nam ostaje
kad nas stisnu godine
bez ljubavi sve prestaje
Leb i Sol - Cuvam noc od budnih
Sa desne strane nocas nema te
a znas da je krevet veci bez tebe
postelja cuva tvoje mirise
i stvari po sobi smeju mi se
Kao na strazi cuvam noc od budnih
ja sam samo jedan od sinova bludnih
pravih se reci uvek kasno setim
odgovor znam kad ostanem sam
Sa desne strane nocas nema te
a znas da je krevet veci bez tebe
I sta posle svega, isto pitanje
o da li me opet ceka skitnje
Kao na strazi cuvam noc od budnih
ja sam samo jedan od sinova bludnih
pravih se reci uvek kasno setim
odgovor znam kad ostanem sam
Parni valjak - Pusti nek traje
Pusti nek' traje, sve do kraj dobro je
Ne obecavaj nista, ja te ne trazim nista
Lijepo je i to je sve
Ma pusti nek' traje, jos je daleko svitanje
Nisam ni prvi ni zadnji mozda tek nesto drazi
Ne pretvaraj se
Ja sam samo jedan u nizu
Neznas mi ni broj
Ja sam samo dok sam ti blizu
Tad sam tvoj, samo tvoj
Al' sutra, sutra je novi dan
Citav zivot do sutra, cijeli roman do jutra
Pusti sad to
Jednom netko ce doci, doci da ostane
Mozda bas ja, tko to sada zna?Izvodjac: Parni valjak
Pesma: Povratak ratnika
Ako pitas da l' boljelo
Samo bljesak munje i gotovo
Priznajem da sam se bojao
Samo korak do vjecnosti
To nisu scene is filmova
Tu nema statista
Krv je slana, ljepljiva
I od borbe i od rana jos je gori strah
Kad se vratim sto cu naci u tvojim ocima
Jos malo, par minuta do stanice
Jos malo i ja cu znati sve
Daj poljubi me, daj poljubi me
Usnama mi svojim lijecis rane sve
Daj poljubi me, kao nekada
Manje znace rijeci od tvog pogleda
Pomozi mi da zaboravim, tvoje srce zna
Djecaka ratnika
Kad zazmirim ista slika prolazi
Sto smo mi to Bogu zgrijesili
Jos malo, par minuta do stanice
Jos malo i opet kraj tebe
Ima jos vremena
Hvala ti
Pred vratima njenog stana
ja sam ostavljao svoje brige
i dileme i strahove
odagnati ona je mogla
Pored nje bih nasao mir
titrajem bi znala
nikad nista trazila nije
a toliko tog mi dala
hvala ti, hvala ti
hvala ti, hvala ti
Otkako je nema
uvidjam koliko mi znaci
nikad, nikad, nikad vise
takvu zenu necu naci
Hvala ti, hvala ti, hvala ti
sto si vjerovala kada nitko nije
sto si pomogla da i dalje
svoje snove snijem
hvala, hvala ti
Pricao sam joj o ljubavi
koju ne mogu naci
a nikad nisam pomislio
zasto je uvijek sama
kakva sam ja budala
Josipa Lisac
O jednoj mladosti
Jedna mladost jedan svijet nade
Raste tiho u srcu tvom
Drugi za te ovaj svijet grade
S malo prave istine u tom
Pricaju ti price te
i svaka ima svoj sretan kraj
Al presucuju da taj svijet
krade bas tvog sunca sjaj
Jedna mladost jedan san srece
Al do nje jos dalek dug put
I dok srce na svoj put krece
U taj svijet procvao i zut
Odjednom ce shvatit sve
Kako nigdje nema plamena tog
Od prve rijeke
svijet tece bez cilja svog
Tko zna, mozda na me
ceka neki drugi svijet
Tko zna, i u mraku
kad kad nikne divan cvijet
Mozda, tko zna,
jedna od sretnih,
jedna od tisucu
bit cu bas ja
O da znam...
Pristao sam bicu sve sto hoce
Evo prodajem dusu vragu svome
I ostacu samo crna tacka
Poslije ove igre kad me slome
Kad me mirno slome
Pristao sam bicu sve sto hoce
La la la la la la la la la la
Mislio sam da se zvijeri boje
Ove vatre koja trag mi prati
I to sam mislio
A sad nosim kako mi ga skroje
Po meni se nista nece zvati
Po meni se nista nece zvati
Zablude sam, evo, prestao da brojim
Nemam kome da se vratim kuci
Dokle pjevam dotle i postojim
Prijatelji bivsi, prijatelji buduci
Pamtite me po pjesmama mojim
Pamtite me po pjesmama mojim
Aki Rahimovsk & Dado Topić - Molitva
K'o da nemam snage da nastavim,
kao da je pjesmi kraj,
lagano se topim i nestajem,
i moje pjesme više nisu ljubavne,
gubim vjeru, a ona mi je sve...
A onda svane novi dan i ja se zaljubim,
u ovo nebo iznad nas, i sunce što se smješi,
ko kad majka oprašta, djeci što su bila nestašna,
REF:A kaži kako dalje kad, kad se nebo zamrači,
kad se spuste oblaci, kad se sunce ne vidi,
al' kaži kako dalje kad ljubav nestane, kad se riječi istroše,
kad se natrag, kad se natrag ne može.
Mama, zar si lagala kad si govorila,
da dobro uvijek pobjeđuje,
i kad ne znaš kojim putem,
treba putem ljubavi,
i da smo ispred boga isti svi....
REF:A kaži kako dalje kad, kad se nebo zamrači,
kad se spuste oblaci, kad se sunce ne vidi,
al'kaži kako dalje,
kad ljubav nestane, kad se riječi istroše,
kad se natrag, kad se natrag više ne može.
Tako malo vremena nam ostaje
kad nas stisnu godine
bez ljubavi sve prestaje
Leb i Sol - Cuvam noc od budnih
Sa desne strane nocas nema te
a znas da je krevet veci bez tebe
postelja cuva tvoje mirise
i stvari po sobi smeju mi se
Kao na strazi cuvam noc od budnih
ja sam samo jedan od sinova bludnih
pravih se reci uvek kasno setim
odgovor znam kad ostanem sam
Sa desne strane nocas nema te
a znas da je krevet veci bez tebe
I sta posle svega, isto pitanje
o da li me opet ceka skitnje
Kao na strazi cuvam noc od budnih
ja sam samo jedan od sinova bludnih
pravih se reci uvek kasno setim
odgovor znam kad ostanem sam
Parni valjak - Pusti nek traje
Pusti nek' traje, sve do kraj dobro je
Ne obecavaj nista, ja te ne trazim nista
Lijepo je i to je sve
Ma pusti nek' traje, jos je daleko svitanje
Nisam ni prvi ni zadnji mozda tek nesto drazi
Ne pretvaraj se
Ja sam samo jedan u nizu
Neznas mi ni broj
Ja sam samo dok sam ti blizu
Tad sam tvoj, samo tvoj
Al' sutra, sutra je novi dan
Citav zivot do sutra, cijeli roman do jutra
Pusti sad to
Jednom netko ce doci, doci da ostane
Mozda bas ja, tko to sada zna?Izvodjac: Parni valjak
Pesma: Povratak ratnika
Ako pitas da l' boljelo
Samo bljesak munje i gotovo
Priznajem da sam se bojao
Samo korak do vjecnosti
To nisu scene is filmova
Tu nema statista
Krv je slana, ljepljiva
I od borbe i od rana jos je gori strah
Kad se vratim sto cu naci u tvojim ocima
Jos malo, par minuta do stanice
Jos malo i ja cu znati sve
Daj poljubi me, daj poljubi me
Usnama mi svojim lijecis rane sve
Daj poljubi me, kao nekada
Manje znace rijeci od tvog pogleda
Pomozi mi da zaboravim, tvoje srce zna
Djecaka ratnika
Kad zazmirim ista slika prolazi
Sto smo mi to Bogu zgrijesili
Jos malo, par minuta do stanice
Jos malo i opet kraj tebe
Ima jos vremena
Saturday, March 19, 2011

"Smisao je gorak: covjek treba da se odrece svega sto bi mogao da zavoli, jer su gubitak i razocarenje neizbjezni. Moramo se odreci ljubavi, da je ne izgubimo. Moramo unistiti svoju ljubav, da je ne uniste drugi. Moramo se odreci svakog vezivanja, zbog moguceg zaljenja.
Misao je surovo beznadna. Ne mozemo unistiti sve sto volimo, uvijek ce ostati mogucnost da nam to uniste drugi."
Mesa Selimovic
TAJNA O SVIJETU--------....i LICNO. S MESOM ,,,,,
Ja ne biram ono sto imam,nebiram ustvari nista, ni rodjenje, ni porodicu, ni ime,,,ni grad,ni kraj ,ni narod,,,meni je sve nametnuto,Jos je cudnije sto to moranje pretvaram u ljubav,jer nesto mora biti moje zato sto je sve tudje.I prisvajam ulicu i grad,kraj i nebo koje gledam nad sobom od djetinjstva.Zbog straha od praznine od svijeta bez mene,ja ga otimam ,ja mu se namecem,a mojoj ulici je svejedno i nebu nada mnom je svejedno,,al necu da znam za to svejedno...dajem im svoje osjecanje udahnjujem im svoju ljubav da mi je vrate.
SVE JE MOGUCE,SVE JE NA DOHVAT RUKE,SAMO SE COVJEK NE SMIJE PREDATI......"Tesko je dok se odlucis,tada sve prepreke izgledaju neprolazne,sve teskoce nesavladane.Ali kada se otkines od sebe neodlucnog,kada pobjedis svoju malodusnost,otvore se pred tobom nesluceni putevi i svijet nije vise skucen i pun prijetnji.
Kako su ljudi nesavrseni.
Ne mogu da zive sami,postoje samo kao jedna polovina.
Drugu traze u zeni, u drugom covjeku,u lazi.
Potrebna mi je ta druga polovina,a o njoj nista ne znam.
Drugi covjek je zatvorena kutija i nista iz njega nece izaci ako to on ne zeli.
Mi mozemo da stojimo pred tajnom danima,nista nam se nece otkriti.
Nepotpuni smo,a zatvoreni.
Postali smo neprirodni,odvojili smo se od sebe kakvi smo bili nekad,ko zna kakvi,izgubili smo nevinost.
Ljudi misle zlo jedan drugom.
Trebali bi da se vratimo prirodi i njenoj cistoti.
Postojao je neki filozof koji je to predlagao ljudima.
Nisu ga poslusali.
Smatrao sam duznoscu i srecom da sebe i druge cuvam od grijeha.
I sebe,uzalud je kriti.
Grijesne misli su kao vjetar,ko ce ih zaustaviti?
U cemu je poboznost,ako nema iskusenja koja se savladavaju?
Covjek nije Bog,i njegova snaga je bas u tome da suzbija svoju prirodu,tako sam mislio,a ako nema sta da suzbija,u cemu je onda zasluga?
Sada o tome mislim drugacije.
Na koljenu mi je hartija koja mirno ceka da primi moj teret,ne skidajuci ga s menei ne osjecajuci ga sama,preda mnom je duga noc bez sna,i mnoge druge noci,na sve cu stici,sve cu uciniti sto moram i da se opustim i da se odbranim,zurba nije potrebna,a vidim da ima stvari o kojima mogu pisati sada,i poslije mozda nikad vise.
Kad dodje vrijeme,i zelja da se kazu druge,i one ce doci na red.Osjecam kako stoje nagomilane u magazama moga mozga,i vuku jedna drugu,jer su povezane,nijedna ne zivi sama za sebe,a opet ima nekog reda u toj guzvi,i uvijek jedna,na znam kako,iskace izmedju drugih i izlazi na svijetlo,da se pokaze,da osine ili utjesi.Ponekad se guraju,nasrcu jedna na drugu,nestrpljive,kao da se boje da ce ostati nerecene.
Polako,za sve ima vremena,dao sam ga sebi,a sudjenje ima suocenja i svjedocenja,necu ih mimoici,i moci cu na kraju da donesem presudu sam sebi,jer sam ja u pitanju,niko drugi samo ja.
Svijet mi je odjednom postao tajna,i ja svijetu,stali smo jedan prema drugome,zacudjeno se gledamo,ne raspoznajemo se,ne razumijemo se vise"... M.Selimovic
Svijet je postojao prije ljudi, postojaće i poslije ljudi.Ali,šta se to nas tiče ? Neka o tome brinu bića koja ce tada živjeti.Mi svoju brigu ne možemo prepustiti nikome , i moramo se učiti moći ljubavi , da od života ne stvorimo mučilište.
Što se tiče duše , i on je mislio o tome , jer se teško oteti strahu i nespokojstvu zbog kratkog života i zbog nestanka u nepoznatoj tami večnosti. I razmisljajuci,ucinilo mu se da postojeći red čovjekovog rasta i razvitka nije pravedan.Čovjek se radja kao nevino dijete , koje ne zna ništa o sebi , o svijetu , o grijehu , o poniženju , o prestižu , sve mu je novo i svježe , sve mu je divno jer mu je duhovni život nerazvijen.
Poslije živeci,stiče iskustvo,veoma dugo, veoma naporno, i čim potpuno sazri javlja se misao o smrti. Umire slab, izmoren, očajan,pritisnut mislima o krivicama koje je sebi natovario na vrat, nezadovoljan zbog onog sto nije učinio, jer je to samo želio i nije se usudio, izbezumljen zbog besmisla iza sebe i neprozirne tajne ispred sebe.
Smrtno uplašen,bez oslonca koji bi mu mogla dati samouvjerenost, da je živio jedino po odlukama svoje čiste savjesti ,očajnički misli o vječnoj duši, o trajanju bez prestanka , o mogućnosti da negdje i nekad nađe ipak neki smisao.Tako završava neslavno,potpuno dotučen.
A koliko bi bolje bilo da se rađamo kao starci, da polako postajemo sredovječni, postepeno zaboravljajući prvobitni strah od smrti, pa oslobođeni mladići, dovoljno lakomisleni da ni o čemu ne mislimo suviše ozbiljno, pa bezbrižna djeca, a da umremo kao novorođenčad, ne znajuci ništa ni o čemu, čisti kao zametak. Kakva bi to divna i slobodna smrt bila !
Ali kada ne može biti tako, spas je u osvajanju ljubavi i čovječnosti. Tako se lakše živi i lakše umire."...
Tvrdjava ~ Meša Selimović
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Ima nesto
Ima nesto sto u nama ima
Sto nas drzi u istome vencu,
Ima nesto isto u ljudima,
Ima neke Bosne u Slovencu
Svi smo zacin u istome loncu,
Oko Nisa ima nesto Backe,
Ima neke Like u Slavoncu,
Zapivajmo pisme bunjevacke.
Ima nesto sto u nama ima,
Nekog divnog inata od zlata,
U predelu oko divljeg Lima
Lezi jedno parcence Banata.
Ima nesto sto u nama ima
Sto nas drzi u istome vencu,
Ima nesto isto u ljudima,
Ima neke Bosne u Slovencu.
Brana Crncevic
Nijedan pisac nije toliko nalicio na svoje knjizevno djelo koliko Aleksa Santic.
.... bio najvece djete u nasoj knjizevnosti. Njegove pjesme su pune njeznosti i kada prijete tiranu, a nude naivnosti i kad se dave u ljubavnim otrovima. Cjelog zivota ovaj pjesnik ostade bez smisla da postoje zli ljudi i divlje zivotinje. Izgledalo mu je do smrti vjerovatnije i da se Sunce okrece oko Zemlje negoli Zemlja okolo Sunca. U mladosti bogat i apolonski ljep, nije razumjevao: ni mrznju prostaka ni zavist fukare; ne djeleci ljude na dobre i zle, djelio ih je na prijatne i dosadne. I smatrao je za ljudsku tragediju sto je bilo vise dosadnih nego zlih. Santic je fanatican prijatelj i plemenit neprijatelj,, radosna i viteska pojava da sobom donose sunce gde god je dosao. Santic je u svom Mostaru izgledao kao velmoza, koji je onde gde je zivio istovremeno i vladao.
Atanasiji Šoli
Svi mi vele: bolan, dozovi se tobe!
K'o da nema tobe u Bir Hadži-Bobe,
Kao da sam neki dinsuz bez imana,
Te ne slušam, sankim, sure iz Korana!
A ja davno, biva, klanjao na Ćabi
I znam sve što kažu hodže i ćitabi!
Pa što će mi ludi nasijat uleme
Kad Bir Hadži-Bobo hasul je u sveme?!
Ili je to đunah što dunjaluk volim?
Što se za dunjaluk svom Alahu molim?
Što mi hućum dođe pa po heftu dana,
Sam u bašti slušam bumbule sa grana,
Kako haber daju s đula i behara
A ja merak vežem golem bez karara:
Uz nargilu pušim i rakiju pijem, -
Bumbulovom pjesmom džan i hudžud grijem?!
Pa da li je s toga na me haram pao,
Što ja volim ono što je Allah dao
Il' me belćim zato susretate mrko,
Za ženskim iksanom što ja, beli, crko'?
Što su za me, butum, sve mahale čule,
Što curama bacam u mušèbak đule?
I što one meni selam čine same
Pa narančom žutom hitaju se na me,
A ja činim hvalu i dovu Alahu,
Što žensko čeljade stvori na dunjahu?
Pa da li je s toga na me haram pao,
Što ja volim ono što je Alah dao?!
Neka žive mudri u svome haráru,
A ja ću i dalje 'vako u beharu
Slušati gdje bumbul pjesmom trese grane,
Kako haber daje na četiri strane,
I ko ima srca na ljubav ga zove,
Da ljubeći čini svom Alahu dove!
Ja ću tamo gdje mi primaju seláme,
Tamo, crne oči gdje gledaju na me
Tamo, gdje je Zejna, Najla i Emina, -
Što ih ljepših nema butum do Vidina!
Ja ću tamo, gdje mi džan i sevdah nude!
Pa nek hasum na me sva mahala bude!
A vi se k'o hodže vladajte u svemu
I hajdete tamo u mudru ulemu,
A ja neću vaših sabura ni tobe,
Jar đunâhâ nema u Bir Hadži-Bobe!
Vi mi niste došli u trenutku nekom -
Ja vas u rođenju svom donesoh svijeh:
Kô suze i smijeh, kô čednost i grijeh,
Kao krv i strasti sa plimom i ´sekom.
...Vi ste moga bića nerazdvojni dio -
U dnu duše moje rastete, i s grana
Vašijeh ja plod berem - blago svojih dana,
I bez vas bih samo puki sirjak bio...
Sve dok ste u meni, nikad putem grubim
Neće srce poći... Slavim vas i ljubim,
Vi, zvezde u svodu moje noći trajne!
Vi, jezera moja, što na hridi nage
Moga pusta žića prosipate drage
Rumene korale i smaragde sjajne.-Aleksa
O klasje moje
O klasje moje ispod golih brda,
Moj crni hljebe, krvlju postrapani,
Ko mi te stedi, ko li mi te brani
Od gladnih ptica, moja muko tvrda?
Skoro ce zetva... Jedro zrnje zrije...
U suncu trepti moje rodno selo.
No mutni oblak pritiska mi celo,
I u dno duse grom pada i bije.
Sjutra, kad ostri zablistaju srpi
I snop do snopa kao zlato pane,
Snova ce teci krv iz moje rane -
I snova pati, seljace, i trpi...
Svu muku tvoju, napor crnog roba,
Pojesce silni pri gozbi i piru...
A tebi samo, ko psu u sindziru,
Bacice mrve... O, sram i grdoba!...
I niko nece cuti jad ni vapaj -
Niti ce ganut bol pjanu gospodu...
Seljace, goljo, ti si prah na podu,
Tegli i vuci, i u jarmu skapaj!
O klasje moje ispod golih brda,
Moj crni hljebe, krvlju postrapani,
Ko mi te stedi, ko li mi te brani
Od gladnih ptica, moja muko tvrda?
Paluba puna.Ruke uzdignute
Pozdrav salju i rupcima masu.
U mnostvu ovih vidim celjad nasu,
Naslonili se na pervaz pa cute...
Zemljaci moji, dokle cete, dokle?
"Tamo daleko! Jer nas usud prokle
I na nas pade tvrda tuca s neba..."
A zar vam nije zavicaja zao?
"Zao je brate... Bog mu srecu dao...
No hljeba nema... Zbogom! Hljeba... hljeba
Mi znamo sudbu
Mi znamo sudbu i sve sto nas ceka,
No strah nam nece zalediti grudi!
Volovi jaram trpe,a ne ljudi-
Bog je slobodu dao za covjeka.
Snaga je nasa planinska rijeka,
Nju nece nigda ustaviti niko!
Narod je ovi umirati sviko
U svojoj smrti da nadje lijeka.
Mi put svoj znamo,put Bogocovjeka,
I silni kao planinska rijeka,
Svi cemo poci preko ostra kama!
Sve tako dalje, tamo do Golgote,
I kad nam muske uzmete zivote
Grobovi nasi borice se s vama
Kad mi opet dodjes, ti mi pridji tada,
Ali ne ko zena sto cezne i voli,
Nego kao sestra bratu koji strada.
Trazec mekom rukom mesto gde ga boli.
Puna nostalgije beznadezne, duge,
Ne secaj me nikad da bi mogla doci
Zadocnela radost iz dubine tuge,
Ko ponocno sunce iz dubine noci.
Jer ti ne znas, bedna kroz sve dane duge
Da te voljah mesto ko zna koje zene
U tvom caru ljubljah sav car neke druge...
I ti bese samo sen necije sene..Ducic
Bosno, nemoj danas oblaciti na se
Zalosno odjelo, no, krepka i vedra,
Primi kosti svoje lijepe djece carske
...I sahrani toplo u majcina njedra.
...Njima humka to je tvoja dijadema
Velicanstva, slave, ponosa i casti!
Iz te drage humke svakoga ce dana
Jedno novo stablo nase snage rasti.
Ako bi nam kada vjeru ocaj skrhô
Na ovome grobu vjeri bice lijeka,
I svijetla i cista, s nebom u dubini,
Poteci ce snőva kô planinska rijeka.
I dodje li koji stranac da te pita
sta najljepse imas, ti, gorda i vedra,
Pokazi mu svetu humku mucenika,
Kô besceno blago materinskog njedra.
Zaboravimo slike prošlih dana,
Kad nismo znali da smo pleme isto,
Kad je u ruci ljut jatagan blistô
Poprskan krvlju bratovljevih rana.
Zaboravimo da smo bojem dugim
Ognjišta svoja potkopali sami,
Sa svoje mržnje ostali u tami
I svoje glave spustili pred drugim.
Zaboravimo! Jedna nam je mati -
Jedno smo stablo a sa jedne grude,
Pa nek nam jedna i misao bude
Što će nam srcu nove snage dati.
Uz tvrda rala nek sa njiva naši'
Odjekne pjesma jaka kô val brzi,
Pjesma mirenja koju tuđin mrzi
I kao sova sunca nje se plaši.
Posijmo sjeme, a da zdravo bude,
I bog će svoga blagoslova dati,
I jednog dana svijeh će nas zvati
Da zlatnom žetvom nagradi nam trude.
Gle, svako stablo granama se brani
Kad dođe vjetar da mu trga žile,
Pa bud'mo i mi obrana i sile
Zemlji otaca što nas hljebom hrani.
Na ubogom polju moga zavičaja
Ne čuje se pjesma veselja i žetve,
Samo šum žalosni robinje Neretve
Hladan vjetar nosi preko pusta kraja.
Ovoj zemlji gospod sreće dao nije,
Pritiskô je jadom i čemerom dugim;
Dok se sunce rađa narodima drugim,
Nas studena zima razdire i bije.
O, zar nije dosta nevolje i tuge,
I surova pute što reže i bode?!
Vaj, uzaman more naše krvi ode...
Moja jadna zemljo, mi smo i sad sluge.
Gdje su naše muke?... Gdje su naše žrtve?
Zar ne čuje niko: sve jače i jače
Krv naših otaca kako ljuto plače
I kako se tresu one kosti mrtve?
Teško nama!... Eno, tuđin se veseli
I sva blaga naša otima i hara...
I bog mu pomaže i njime se stara,
A naš crni seljak crna hljeba želi.
Na ubogom polju svoga zavičaja
On ne pjeva pjesmu veselja i žetve...
Samo šum žalosni robinje Neretve
Hladan vjetar nosi preko pusta kraja.
Zasto se meni javljas tajno
Kada mi dusa tiho sniva?
I zasto tvoje oko sjajno
Golemu tugu i jad skriva?
Zasto me kroz noc stanes zvati,
I sta ti jadno srce iste?
Ta ja ti nemam nista dati,
O, ja sam pusto pepeliste.
Sve sto sam imo ja sam dao,
Nevjerno hladna ljubavi moje, -
Sve sto sam svojim blagom zvao:
Mladost i oganj duse svoje.
Pa zasto meni stupas snova,
Sta trazis ovdje u mrtvaca?
Hladna je, hladna ruka ova
Sto nekad na te ruze baca.
Pusti me! Pusti i ne mori!
Nek sam ovako trajem dane,
Sve dok mi srce ne izgori,
Sve dok mi dusa ne izda'ne.
O, kuda stremiš, moja željo laka,
Kô zlatan leptir preko mirnog dola?
Zar ne znaš tamo da je ruža svaka
Umrla davno od mraza i bola?
Misliš li: i sad veselo leprša
Lagana ševa, u jutru i veèe,
Nad bistrom vodom, sa visokog krša
Što doli pada i u ravan teèe?
Misliš li: tamo, u odlasku naglom,
Slušaæeš pjesmu plavooke Lade,
Da nikad neæeš dršæati pod maglom
Na hladnom kamu, kô sirak, bez nade?
Il' misliš tamo, u valima burnim -
U tom svijetu, da te dobro èeka,
I da æeš tako pod nebom azurnim
Provesti vijek bez suze, leleka?
Ne idi!... Tamo nema ni boravka!
Proljeæe žarko umrlo je davno...
Pod mraznim nebom smrznula se travka,
A vjetri zvižde kroz prodolje tavno.
Kô slaba tica, u vrtlogu tome
Gdje ljudi žive salomiæeš krila;
Vrati se, vrati zavièaju svome,
Vrati se srcu, tu gdje si i bila!
Il' slušaj! tamo gdje, pun hladnog inja,
Gust bršljen trepti i uvela trava.
Gdje vjetri tuže sa suhog rastinja,
Tu moja majka spava, mirno spava...
Na njenoj humci, gdje sam dugo plakô,
Anðeo èuva struk bosiljka meka...
Tu ostaj vjeèno! Tu je dobro svako -
Tamo te ljubav i svo blago èeka
No ti si tužna... Ja čujem sve jače
Nad tobom kako crni dusi grokte,
Dok tvoje srce premire i plače.
Ja vidim kako svoje gnusne nokte
U njedra tvoja skup hijena rije -
Hoće da čupa i žedno, sve dok te
Teče, krv tvoju da loče i pije...
Ja vidim suze na tvom oku stoje
I glas tvoj čujem, što me bono bije:
"Rojevi moji više se ne roje,
Košnice moje sve su manje, manje,
Jer sve su manja srca djece moje.
Praznika moga jutro sve je tanje;
Pogažena su moja svetilišta;
Plod mojih polja sada tuđin žanje.-Aleksa Santic-
Ima nesto sto u nama ima
Sto nas drzi u istome vencu,
Ima nesto isto u ljudima,
Ima neke Bosne u Slovencu
Svi smo zacin u istome loncu,
Oko Nisa ima nesto Backe,
Ima neke Like u Slavoncu,
Zapivajmo pisme bunjevacke.
Ima nesto sto u nama ima,
Nekog divnog inata od zlata,
U predelu oko divljeg Lima
Lezi jedno parcence Banata.
Ima nesto sto u nama ima
Sto nas drzi u istome vencu,
Ima nesto isto u ljudima,
Ima neke Bosne u Slovencu.
Brana Crncevic
Nijedan pisac nije toliko nalicio na svoje knjizevno djelo koliko Aleksa Santic.
.... bio najvece djete u nasoj knjizevnosti. Njegove pjesme su pune njeznosti i kada prijete tiranu, a nude naivnosti i kad se dave u ljubavnim otrovima. Cjelog zivota ovaj pjesnik ostade bez smisla da postoje zli ljudi i divlje zivotinje. Izgledalo mu je do smrti vjerovatnije i da se Sunce okrece oko Zemlje negoli Zemlja okolo Sunca. U mladosti bogat i apolonski ljep, nije razumjevao: ni mrznju prostaka ni zavist fukare; ne djeleci ljude na dobre i zle, djelio ih je na prijatne i dosadne. I smatrao je za ljudsku tragediju sto je bilo vise dosadnih nego zlih. Santic je fanatican prijatelj i plemenit neprijatelj,, radosna i viteska pojava da sobom donose sunce gde god je dosao. Santic je u svom Mostaru izgledao kao velmoza, koji je onde gde je zivio istovremeno i vladao.
Atanasiji Šoli
Svi mi vele: bolan, dozovi se tobe!
K'o da nema tobe u Bir Hadži-Bobe,
Kao da sam neki dinsuz bez imana,
Te ne slušam, sankim, sure iz Korana!
A ja davno, biva, klanjao na Ćabi
I znam sve što kažu hodže i ćitabi!
Pa što će mi ludi nasijat uleme
Kad Bir Hadži-Bobo hasul je u sveme?!
Ili je to đunah što dunjaluk volim?
Što se za dunjaluk svom Alahu molim?
Što mi hućum dođe pa po heftu dana,
Sam u bašti slušam bumbule sa grana,
Kako haber daju s đula i behara
A ja merak vežem golem bez karara:
Uz nargilu pušim i rakiju pijem, -
Bumbulovom pjesmom džan i hudžud grijem?!
Pa da li je s toga na me haram pao,
Što ja volim ono što je Allah dao
Il' me belćim zato susretate mrko,
Za ženskim iksanom što ja, beli, crko'?
Što su za me, butum, sve mahale čule,
Što curama bacam u mušèbak đule?
I što one meni selam čine same
Pa narančom žutom hitaju se na me,
A ja činim hvalu i dovu Alahu,
Što žensko čeljade stvori na dunjahu?
Pa da li je s toga na me haram pao,
Što ja volim ono što je Alah dao?!
Neka žive mudri u svome haráru,
A ja ću i dalje 'vako u beharu
Slušati gdje bumbul pjesmom trese grane,
Kako haber daje na četiri strane,
I ko ima srca na ljubav ga zove,
Da ljubeći čini svom Alahu dove!
Ja ću tamo gdje mi primaju seláme,
Tamo, crne oči gdje gledaju na me
Tamo, gdje je Zejna, Najla i Emina, -
Što ih ljepših nema butum do Vidina!
Ja ću tamo, gdje mi džan i sevdah nude!
Pa nek hasum na me sva mahala bude!
A vi se k'o hodže vladajte u svemu
I hajdete tamo u mudru ulemu,
A ja neću vaših sabura ni tobe,
Jar đunâhâ nema u Bir Hadži-Bobe!
Vi mi niste došli u trenutku nekom -
Ja vas u rođenju svom donesoh svijeh:
Kô suze i smijeh, kô čednost i grijeh,
Kao krv i strasti sa plimom i ´sekom.
...Vi ste moga bića nerazdvojni dio -
U dnu duše moje rastete, i s grana
Vašijeh ja plod berem - blago svojih dana,
I bez vas bih samo puki sirjak bio...
Sve dok ste u meni, nikad putem grubim
Neće srce poći... Slavim vas i ljubim,
Vi, zvezde u svodu moje noći trajne!
Vi, jezera moja, što na hridi nage
Moga pusta žića prosipate drage
Rumene korale i smaragde sjajne.-Aleksa
O klasje moje
O klasje moje ispod golih brda,
Moj crni hljebe, krvlju postrapani,
Ko mi te stedi, ko li mi te brani
Od gladnih ptica, moja muko tvrda?
Skoro ce zetva... Jedro zrnje zrije...
U suncu trepti moje rodno selo.
No mutni oblak pritiska mi celo,
I u dno duse grom pada i bije.
Sjutra, kad ostri zablistaju srpi
I snop do snopa kao zlato pane,
Snova ce teci krv iz moje rane -
I snova pati, seljace, i trpi...
Svu muku tvoju, napor crnog roba,
Pojesce silni pri gozbi i piru...
A tebi samo, ko psu u sindziru,
Bacice mrve... O, sram i grdoba!...
I niko nece cuti jad ni vapaj -
Niti ce ganut bol pjanu gospodu...
Seljace, goljo, ti si prah na podu,
Tegli i vuci, i u jarmu skapaj!
O klasje moje ispod golih brda,
Moj crni hljebe, krvlju postrapani,
Ko mi te stedi, ko li mi te brani
Od gladnih ptica, moja muko tvrda?
Paluba puna.Ruke uzdignute
Pozdrav salju i rupcima masu.
U mnostvu ovih vidim celjad nasu,
Naslonili se na pervaz pa cute...
Zemljaci moji, dokle cete, dokle?
"Tamo daleko! Jer nas usud prokle
I na nas pade tvrda tuca s neba..."
A zar vam nije zavicaja zao?
"Zao je brate... Bog mu srecu dao...
No hljeba nema... Zbogom! Hljeba... hljeba
Mi znamo sudbu
Mi znamo sudbu i sve sto nas ceka,
No strah nam nece zalediti grudi!
Volovi jaram trpe,a ne ljudi-
Bog je slobodu dao za covjeka.
Snaga je nasa planinska rijeka,
Nju nece nigda ustaviti niko!
Narod je ovi umirati sviko
U svojoj smrti da nadje lijeka.
Mi put svoj znamo,put Bogocovjeka,
I silni kao planinska rijeka,
Svi cemo poci preko ostra kama!
Sve tako dalje, tamo do Golgote,
I kad nam muske uzmete zivote
Grobovi nasi borice se s vama
Kad mi opet dodjes, ti mi pridji tada,
Ali ne ko zena sto cezne i voli,
Nego kao sestra bratu koji strada.
Trazec mekom rukom mesto gde ga boli.
Puna nostalgije beznadezne, duge,
Ne secaj me nikad da bi mogla doci
Zadocnela radost iz dubine tuge,
Ko ponocno sunce iz dubine noci.
Jer ti ne znas, bedna kroz sve dane duge
Da te voljah mesto ko zna koje zene
U tvom caru ljubljah sav car neke druge...
I ti bese samo sen necije sene..Ducic
Bosno, nemoj danas oblaciti na se
Zalosno odjelo, no, krepka i vedra,
Primi kosti svoje lijepe djece carske
...I sahrani toplo u majcina njedra.
...Njima humka to je tvoja dijadema
Velicanstva, slave, ponosa i casti!
Iz te drage humke svakoga ce dana
Jedno novo stablo nase snage rasti.
Ako bi nam kada vjeru ocaj skrhô
Na ovome grobu vjeri bice lijeka,
I svijetla i cista, s nebom u dubini,
Poteci ce snőva kô planinska rijeka.
I dodje li koji stranac da te pita
sta najljepse imas, ti, gorda i vedra,
Pokazi mu svetu humku mucenika,
Kô besceno blago materinskog njedra.
Zaboravimo slike prošlih dana,
Kad nismo znali da smo pleme isto,
Kad je u ruci ljut jatagan blistô
Poprskan krvlju bratovljevih rana.
Zaboravimo da smo bojem dugim
Ognjišta svoja potkopali sami,
Sa svoje mržnje ostali u tami
I svoje glave spustili pred drugim.
Zaboravimo! Jedna nam je mati -
Jedno smo stablo a sa jedne grude,
Pa nek nam jedna i misao bude
Što će nam srcu nove snage dati.
Uz tvrda rala nek sa njiva naši'
Odjekne pjesma jaka kô val brzi,
Pjesma mirenja koju tuđin mrzi
I kao sova sunca nje se plaši.
Posijmo sjeme, a da zdravo bude,
I bog će svoga blagoslova dati,
I jednog dana svijeh će nas zvati
Da zlatnom žetvom nagradi nam trude.
Gle, svako stablo granama se brani
Kad dođe vjetar da mu trga žile,
Pa bud'mo i mi obrana i sile
Zemlji otaca što nas hljebom hrani.
Na ubogom polju moga zavičaja
Ne čuje se pjesma veselja i žetve,
Samo šum žalosni robinje Neretve
Hladan vjetar nosi preko pusta kraja.
Ovoj zemlji gospod sreće dao nije,
Pritiskô je jadom i čemerom dugim;
Dok se sunce rađa narodima drugim,
Nas studena zima razdire i bije.
O, zar nije dosta nevolje i tuge,
I surova pute što reže i bode?!
Vaj, uzaman more naše krvi ode...
Moja jadna zemljo, mi smo i sad sluge.
Gdje su naše muke?... Gdje su naše žrtve?
Zar ne čuje niko: sve jače i jače
Krv naših otaca kako ljuto plače
I kako se tresu one kosti mrtve?
Teško nama!... Eno, tuđin se veseli
I sva blaga naša otima i hara...
I bog mu pomaže i njime se stara,
A naš crni seljak crna hljeba želi.
Na ubogom polju svoga zavičaja
On ne pjeva pjesmu veselja i žetve...
Samo šum žalosni robinje Neretve
Hladan vjetar nosi preko pusta kraja.
Zasto se meni javljas tajno
Kada mi dusa tiho sniva?
I zasto tvoje oko sjajno
Golemu tugu i jad skriva?
Zasto me kroz noc stanes zvati,
I sta ti jadno srce iste?
Ta ja ti nemam nista dati,
O, ja sam pusto pepeliste.
Sve sto sam imo ja sam dao,
Nevjerno hladna ljubavi moje, -
Sve sto sam svojim blagom zvao:
Mladost i oganj duse svoje.
Pa zasto meni stupas snova,
Sta trazis ovdje u mrtvaca?
Hladna je, hladna ruka ova
Sto nekad na te ruze baca.
Pusti me! Pusti i ne mori!
Nek sam ovako trajem dane,
Sve dok mi srce ne izgori,
Sve dok mi dusa ne izda'ne.
O, kuda stremiš, moja željo laka,
Kô zlatan leptir preko mirnog dola?
Zar ne znaš tamo da je ruža svaka
Umrla davno od mraza i bola?
Misliš li: i sad veselo leprša
Lagana ševa, u jutru i veèe,
Nad bistrom vodom, sa visokog krša
Što doli pada i u ravan teèe?
Misliš li: tamo, u odlasku naglom,
Slušaæeš pjesmu plavooke Lade,
Da nikad neæeš dršæati pod maglom
Na hladnom kamu, kô sirak, bez nade?
Il' misliš tamo, u valima burnim -
U tom svijetu, da te dobro èeka,
I da æeš tako pod nebom azurnim
Provesti vijek bez suze, leleka?
Ne idi!... Tamo nema ni boravka!
Proljeæe žarko umrlo je davno...
Pod mraznim nebom smrznula se travka,
A vjetri zvižde kroz prodolje tavno.
Kô slaba tica, u vrtlogu tome
Gdje ljudi žive salomiæeš krila;
Vrati se, vrati zavièaju svome,
Vrati se srcu, tu gdje si i bila!
Il' slušaj! tamo gdje, pun hladnog inja,
Gust bršljen trepti i uvela trava.
Gdje vjetri tuže sa suhog rastinja,
Tu moja majka spava, mirno spava...
Na njenoj humci, gdje sam dugo plakô,
Anðeo èuva struk bosiljka meka...
Tu ostaj vjeèno! Tu je dobro svako -
Tamo te ljubav i svo blago èeka
No ti si tužna... Ja čujem sve jače
Nad tobom kako crni dusi grokte,
Dok tvoje srce premire i plače.
Ja vidim kako svoje gnusne nokte
U njedra tvoja skup hijena rije -
Hoće da čupa i žedno, sve dok te
Teče, krv tvoju da loče i pije...
Ja vidim suze na tvom oku stoje
I glas tvoj čujem, što me bono bije:
"Rojevi moji više se ne roje,
Košnice moje sve su manje, manje,
Jer sve su manja srca djece moje.
Praznika moga jutro sve je tanje;
Pogažena su moja svetilišta;
Plod mojih polja sada tuđin žanje.-Aleksa Santic-
Friday, March 11, 2011
eto JA naprimjer,,,,ja imam kljucni jedan problem?!?!

Mogu li ja ,imam problem :Pazite ja sam Hrvatica,Bosnjakinja i Srpkinja Bosanka :)Sta to znaci?Evo primjer onako cisto primjerno:"Ja sam Hrvatica,rodjena u Vitezu,po roditeljima sam iz Bosne i moji djedovi su iz Bosne. Moja matica je Hrvatska i ja nisam nacionalista vec Jugosloven"??Sta to znaci?Ili :"Ja sam Srbin Bosanac ,nikada nisam bio... u Srbiji ali znam da je preko Drine i moja matica je Srbija i nemoj ti meni nacionalisto jedna bosanska i izdajico srpskog naroda da pricas sta sam ja i sta mi je djedovina"???:)Ili :"Ja sam Bosnjak iz Sjenice i nismo mi vas Bosnjake dosli dzabe braniti da ti meni sada kazes da ja nisam iz Sarajeva i Bosnjak vec Bosanac"?Ili:"Ja sam Bosanac prije sam bio Jugosloven,rodjen u Sarajevu djedovi su mi iz Hercegovine a jedna nane iz Travnika po religiji sam musliman i ova zemlja mi je moja djedovina"Ili:"Ja sam ta i ta ,Bosanka sam,sve moje je u toj zemlji,prije sam bila Jugosloven ali Bosanka,sada sam samo Bosanka jer se Juga raspala,moja religija je moja sloboda,a moje bogatstvo je moje znanje,volim i cijenim sve ljude ove planete:)Sta to znaci?To znaci da ja ne mogu da vjerujem neke stvari ali eto tako je kako je,a vi mislite li sta o ovome?Cisto onako,,,?????
Bosno moja

Bosno, nemoj danas oblaciti na se
Zalosno odjelo, no, krepka i vedra,
Primi kosti svoje lijepe djece carske
...I sahrani toplo u majcina njedra.
...Njima humka to je tvoja dijadema
Velicanstva, slave, ponosa i casti!
Iz te drage humke svakoga ce dana
Jedno novo stablo nase snage rasti.
Ako bi nam kada vjeru ocaj skrhô
Na ovome grobu vjeri bice lijeka,
I svijetla i cista, s nebom u dubini,
Poteci ce snőva kô planinska rijeka.
I dodje li koji stranac da te pita
sta najljepse imas, ti, gorda i vedra,
Pokazi mu svetu humku mucenika,
Kô besceno blago materinskog njedra.
Uguseni zrace, u oblaku tuge,
Vihori i b'jesi slomise ti krila,
Boraviste tvoje bjehu sarne duge,
I ticija jata druzina ti bila...
K'o nevini cvijet, puno cednog mira,
U zanosu milom grlili te snovi,
I k'o akord mili andjeoskih lira
Budila te pjesma zvukom zelja novi'.
Netaknuto burom borbe i spoznanja
Zivjelo si mirno u zelji i plamu,
Al' sve zelje drage o kojima sanja
Razduv'o je vjetar u poroz i tamu...
Ruzicasti veo, kroz koji se zudno
Gledalo u prostor zivota i ljudi,
Rastrgla je java i poznanje budno,
Pa satana mrska sad pred nama bludi.
O, dajte mi nazad v'jenac proslih dana,
Vratite mi case, u kojim' sam samo
Osjecao ljubav i vjerov'o sl'jepo
U ljude i Boga sto boravi tamo
Ona će doći! Iz smrti, iz groba,
Iz muka naših vaskrsnuće nebu,
Da zbriše suze ostavljenog roba,
Što ranjen živi o krvavom hljebu...
Ona će doći! Ja vidim: kroz tamu
Probija svjetlost božanskoga lika,
Tirani gnusni dave se u sramu -
Dok lanci pršte silnih mučenika
Ah, moja duša već je ćuti blizu -
Ja vidim njenu božanstvenu rizu
I čujem ropac krvavih Pilata...-Santic.
"А ја кажем: ако би требало да се одржи Велика Србија злочином, ја на то пристао не бих никада; нека нестане Велике Србије, али злочином да се одржава – не. Ако би било потребно и нужно једино да се одржи Мала Србија злочином, ја и на то не бих пристао. Нека нестане и Мале Србије али злочином да се одржи – не. И кад би требало да се одржи последњи Србин, ја да сам тај последњи Србин, а да се одржи злочином – не пристајем, нека нас нестане али да нестанемо као људи, јер нећемо онда нестати, живи ћемо отићи у руке Бога Живога ."
- Његова Светост Патријарх српски Павле
Ona će doći! Iz smrti, iz groba,
Iz muka naših vaskrsnuće nebu,
Da zbriše suze ostavljenog roba,
Što ranjen živi o krvavom hljebu...
Ona će doći! Ja vidim: kroz tamu
Probija svjetlost božanskoga lika,
Tirani gnusni dave se u sramu -
Dok lanci pršte silnih mučenika
Ah, moja duša već je ćuti blizu -
Ja vidim njenu božanstvenu rizu
I čujem ropac krvavih Pilata...-Santic.
"А ја кажем: ако би требало да се одржи Велика Србија злочином, ја на то пристао не бих никада; нека нестане Велике Србије, али злочином да се одржава – не. Ако би било потребно и нужно једино да се одржи Мала Србија злочином, ја и на то не бих пристао. Нека нестане и Мале Србије али злочином да се одржи – не. И кад би требало да се одржи последњи Србин, ја да сам тај последњи Србин, а да се одржи злочином – не пристајем, нека нас нестане али да нестанемо као људи, јер нећемо онда нестати, живи ћемо отићи у руке Бога Живога ."
- Његова Светост Патријарх српски Павле
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